30 April 2011

singkatan perkataan dalam english

Assalammualaikum . dalam blog , kadang-kadang ada penulis yang menggunakan bahasa english . dah la guna english , lepas tu guna singkatan pulak . hmm ! kat sini aku list kan sikit maksud-maksud yang penulis singkatkan tu . slain dari tu , ntah la .

Acronyms with Meanings

afk - away from keyboard
aka - also known as
asap - as soon as possible
b4 - before
bbl - be back later
brb - be right back
btw - by the way
cu - see you
dl - download
f2f - face to face
fyi - for your information
ftw - for the win
g2g - got to go
gg - good game
gm - good morning
gn - good night
gr8 - great
irl - in real life
jk - joking or just kidding
l8r - later
lmfao - laughing my f* a** off
lmao - laughing my a** off
lol - laughing out loud
myob - mind your own business
nvm - nevermind
np - no problem
ol - online
omg - oh my god or oh my gosh
pm - private message
sop - standard operating procedure
srsly - seriously
thx - thanks
ttfn - ta ta for now
ty - thank you
ul - upload
wb - welcome back
wtf - what the f*
wtg - way to go
wth - what the h*ll
yw - you’re welcome
ta - tumblr ask
gv - good vibes
dp - default picture
tgif - thank god it’s friday
rb - reblog
ym - yahoo messenger
im - instant messenger
ps - photoshop
fb - facebook
143 - i love you
mtv - Music Television
ms - Myspace
n/a - no answer or not applicable
via - by way of
email - electronic email
bg - background
rt - retweet
rm - remake or rematch

crdt :

7 ✿:

ZWAN SABRI said...

Thanks for da information.
This is very useful to me.. ;)

MySuaraBlog: Filem ROOMMATE

Nur Aqilah Najwa Samlan. said...

wah!berguna la bnd ni

aqmalazmi said...

bgooz laaaa.
thnkszz ^^

Nurhafizah said...

wlcm :)

Unknown said...


Nurhafizah said...

@Qistina Izzaty Sama2 :)

Unknown said...

maksud singkatan tps ape ea?